
The Cruise Committee presents another exciting year of organized cruising activities ranging from informal rendezvous, to Club cruises, to member expeditions. Members are advised to login to the member side of the website for details.

Dana Point Yacht Club started its cruising program over 40 years ago with a cruise to Emerald Bay, Catalina Island. That was 1973 when our first cruise to Emerald Cove on Catalina Island was arranged by DPYC member Charlie Smith with the Corsair Yacht Club.  A seminar was held prior to the cruise to instruct our members on how-to pick up the mooring wand, supplies that must be carried to the island, weather predictions, fishing opportunities and, of course, our entertainment. Over the years the cruising program has expanded and at present Dana Point Yacht Club has eleven cruises planned each year including Catalina Island, Oceanside, San Diego, Newport Beach, Los Angeles and the Southern California Channel Islands.

Cruising seminars on boating safety, local weather and wind, VHF and single sideband radio usage, anchoring, preventive maintenance, provisioning and passage making strategies are to be held in the clubs facilities in Dana Point Harbor to inform and educate both old and new members on needed seagoing skills.

Dana Point Yacht Club has a tradition of supporting family cruises with many activities for both adults and juniors including dingy races, fishing contests, scavenger hunts, nightly barbecues and more. The midsummer cruise to Emerald Bay is always a great pleaser with our younger members. In 2005 more than 35 juniors joined the adults and enjoyed the facilities of our friends, the Corsair Yacht Club, in Emerald Bay.

2025 Cruise Schedule

March 21-23 Newport Tsunami Cruise
May 3 Cinco de Mayo Round-Up
May 23-26 Memorial Day Raft-Up
(West Basin)
June 20-22 Summer Solstice Avalon Cruise
July 11-13 Aloha Chill Raft-Up
(West Basin)
August 8-10 Newport Tsunami Cruise 2
Aug 29-Sept 1 Labor Day Raft-Up w/BYC
(West Basin)
Sept 19-22 Isthmus Hurricane Cruise
October 17-19 Hunter's Moon Avalon Cruise