Mission Statement

Our mission is to promote yachting, preserve tradition, and foster community. 

Dana Point Yacht Club is first and foremost a yacht club. Since our inception in 1952, we have maintained a strong tradition in sailboat races and regattas. The Club also has an active Cruise Fleet, Fishing Fleet, Junior Sailing Program and hosts several social events each year for our members.

New members are encouraged to own a boat or have an ongoing interest in boating. All new members are expected to support our on-the-water activities and to participate on one of our many Club committees.

Dana Point Yacht Club has a formal application process for prospective members and we are here to help you along the way.  If you would like to be a part of the tradition, please come by the Club to pick up an inquiry packet, or contact one of our Membership Co-Chairs to discuss our current membership opportunities.

Dana Point Yacht Club has a fantastic location overlooking the Point, a magnificent view of the harbor and open ocean to Catalina Island.

Membership Advantages:

  • Outstanding Junior Sailing Program
  • Full Racing Schedule
  • Active Cruising Fleet
  • Exciting Fishing Program
  • Spectacular Dining and Bar Facilities

Membership Committee, Co-Chairs
Karen Card
Dan Ramirez
[email protected]