Recognizing Excellence in Offshore Racing

Steve Dutton Memorial Trophy

Prior to 1998 all of the offshore races that are scored for the Steve Dutton Memorial Trophy were part of and scored with the Dorcas Britt Trophy.  In 1997 a discussion began to refocus the Dorcas Britt scoring back to the original intentions for the trophy, to determine the best Dana Point Yacht Club racer in the harbor.  A committee was established and after months of discussion the Dorcas Britt Deed of Gift was redrafted and approved to include only in-harbor races.  As part of that discussion, it was determined that we also wanted to recognize the excellence of our club's offshore racers and promote offshore racing events.  Through a series of continued discussions the Deed of Gift for a new perpetual trophy was developed and it was decided to name the trophy after one of our Staff Commodore's who was an adamant offshore racer, Steve Dutton.

The Deed of Gift was finalized and approved on March 10, 1998.  Thus the first Steve Dutton Memorial Offshore Racing Championship was presented in 1998 at the Commodore's Ball.  The inaugural year winner was Jack Taylor in Hassle, a Catalina 38, which ironically was the same type boat Steve Dutton had sailed.

After a few years of discussion at the club regarding one of our long standing offshore races, the San Clemente Island Race, it was decided in January of 2006 to replace that race in the Offshore Championship with the existent Long Beach to Dana Point Race.  DPYC would join with the co-sponsors Dana West Yacht Club and Shoreline Yacht Club of Long Beach in sponsoring this race, thus creating a three club sponsorship for the race.

The current races scored in the Offshore Championship for the Steve Dutton Memorial Trophy are NOSA's Newport to Ensenada International Yacht Race, the "Around Catalina" Race (DPYC / CBYC), Seal Beach to Dana Point Race (DPYC / SlBYC), and the Long Beach to Dana Point Race (DPYC / SYCLB / DWYC).