Weekly Sessions
June 9 thru August 8


Summer Sailing Program


The Dana Point Yacht Club Youth Sailing Program strives to provide a safe and fun learning environment for sailors aged 6 to 16 years so they may build confidence through skill, character through challenge and experience, sportsmanship through the Corinthian spirit of the sport, and care and stewardship of the sea through the sharing of our love and knowledge of the water.

This program offers a curriculum vested in developing the skill and knowledge it takes to be a safe and effective sailor, while promoting the values of teamwork and cooperation, love and compassion, honesty and integrity, patience and respect. Through all of this, DPYC strives to contribute to a respectful community of citizens, as well as produce the next generation of sailors.

Sea Stars summer sailing camp for kids 6-16 years old.
Nine consecutive weekly sessions – Families may choose any or all of the sessions.
Monday thru Friday, 9am – 4pm
June 8 to August 8, 2025
Price per session – $450 Non-members / $400 Members



  • Prior to May 31 – 100%
  • June 1 to June 8 – 50%
  • Start of the session – No refund unless the spot can be filled
  • Cancellations made within 3 days of registering will be honored and refunded in full.

Participants are not required to be members of Dana Point Yacht Club. Children and grandchildren of DPYC members are eligible for member pricing.

All juniors will be required to pass a swim test on their first day. The test consists of swimming laps at the DPYC guest dock, treading water, and putting on a Coast Guard approved life jacket while in the water.

Safety Requirements

Safety is crucial in all our programs. Students must demonstrate comfort in and around water to participate.  We will be following these precautions:

  • Swim Test
  • Signed Medical Release Form
  • Submitted Insurance Card
  • Report all absences to the Front Desk 949-496-2900
  • Everything will be outside with minimal inside access
  • Dressed to sail in quick drying clothing. There will be limited clothing changes - keep all belongings safe in a zippered bag.


The program officially begins at 9:00am though students may arrive as early as 8:30am but no earlier. Supervision is not provided prior to 8:30am.  All boats should be rigged by 9:30am. If your child requires additional time, please plan accordingly.

Pick up time is 4:00pm. Please do not cause the coaches to have to stay late to wait for you.
The parent or guardian must sign their sailor IN and OUT each day and if there is a change in plans (friend or relative to pick up the kids), please indicate at check-in.

Generally, the participants will be on the water for 2 hours in the morning, break for lunch, and sail for a few more hours in the afternoon. However, this schedule may vary depending on lessons, fieldtrips, sails around the island or out to the ocean, and adverse sailing conditions (too much or no wind).

Daily Preparation

What To Bring

  • Hat
  • Sunglasses (with croakies if desired)
  • Sunscreen
  • Closed-toed shoes that can get wet (no exceptions)
  • Coast Guard approved lifejacket
  • Swimsuit, towel, change of clothes
  • Lunch (refrigeration available) and personal water bottle.

*Please Note - Any medication or health equipment:

DPYC instructors will not administer any medications to students unless the medication is:
      1) presented to the instructor by the parent or guardian,
      2) accompanied by written authorization for administration, and
      3) is accompanied with written directions for administration.

What NOT to Bring

Electronics such as computers, gaming devices, or anything expensive you would not want to lose/get wet. Students may have cell phones if they are put away during program hours. DPYC is not responsible for personal items.

Lost & Found
Please clearly mark all your child’s belongings. All items left on the docks or on our grounds will be placed in the Lost and Found located in the Front Office.
Lunches must come from home in a seagull proof container and we employ a 'pack it in pack it out' policy.  Complimentary pizza lunch on Fridays for all of our young sailors.
If any individual junior is unable to maintain an appropriate level of Corinthian behavior and/or safe and appropriate conduct in the class, that junior may be asked to leave for the remainder of the session and no fees will be returned.

Juniors Contact & Info

DPYC Fleet Captain